Kanata’s registration system is all online for your convenience including registration, payment, and receipts.
The Alberta Gymnastics Federation administration fee will automatically by charged the first time your gymnasts registers for a class. This is an annual fee paid July 1 – June 30 of each year.
Welcome to Kanata’s New Online Registration!
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN AMILIA ACCOUNT please follow these simple instructions to create an account and register all your children in a test class to ensure you are ready to go for our real registration:
If you already have an Amilia account, login and choose the desired session or program.
- To get started, click the blue online registration button
- Next, click on Welcome to Kanata (Registration test) under Choose a Program
- Below this box, expand the “Test Category” link and click “Click Here!” to open up the activity
- On the right side, under Drop In, click the calendar icon
- Next, click on the Registration Test on the calendar on April 15
- This will prompt you to create an account – you need an email address to create an account
- If you create an account using your email, you will need to verify your email before you can register
- Next, click on the Registration Test on the calendar on April 15 again
- A ‘select participants to register’ window will open
- Click “Add another person”
- Please add parent/legal guardian first (if not previously prompted to do so after verifying your email through the link), then press save
- Follow step 10 to add your child(ren) – YOU WILL NEED TO ADD ALL CHILDREN TO TEST CLASS
- If you have more than one child, click on all children to add to cart. A green check mark will appear by each child’s name
- Next, press “Checkout”, this will bring you to a new window
- Click “Checkout” again
- Here you will fill in ALL information under the Account owner
- Then fill out ALL necessary information for each child
- After, click “Continue my purchase”
- It will bypass payment due to it being $0.00 and take you to the confirmation page
- By doing this process, it gives us access to view your account in case you need assistance during your registration process